Your privacy is our priority

Privacy-first approach.

Data doesn't have to be a touchy subject. Companies want to reach their users in the most efficient, personalized way, and users want the same. However, they don't want to jeopardize their privacy for it. We hear you and you can put your mind at ease. 

Committed to honoring and respecting privacy, we follow strict regulations, use advanced edge computing, and have a thorough privacy policy. All of which are accessible to you on this page.


You own all the data.

We don't keep your data_Sentiance is ISO certified and GDPR compliant

We don’t keep your data.

We don't sell your data_Sentiance is ISO certified and GDPR compliant

We don’t sell your data.

Mobile data-privacy-Sentiance

Full transparency and control for you and your users.

Privacy is in our DNA. We apply it in all stages of our work so you can engage with your users without fear of violation.

Heart in a house red icon

Privacy in our values

Privacy and strong ethics have been part of who we are from day one. That's why we created our own framework: The Sentiance Data Charter.


Privacy in our design

Our technology is designed from the ground up with privacy at the forefront. We say, keep it on-device and protect personal data.


Privacy in our policies

As innovative and forward-thinking as we are, there are some things you just don't mess with; privacy laws. You can review all of our policies below.

Building trust with the right use of data

The Sentiance Data Charter.

We created the Sentiance Data Charter to show you how we internally work with data privacy and security. Trust is the fundamental principle that allows data transactions to happen. Without it, there won't be any user acceptance and without such an agreement, there is no data to share.



We only engage in projects that align with our data charter and do not contradict with our values.



We implement the highest standards of data security and protection. We guide our partners to comply with the regulatory framework.

light bulb ideas and thought leadership in montion sensor data

Thought leadership

We lead by example and share all relevant information on privacy via public channels, because transparency works.

On-device data processing

Edge computing is the next level for data privacy.

The Sentiance SDK stays secure in your app. With edge computing, the data is collected and processed directly in the app, never leaving the user's phone. 

Edge computing also reduces the overall cloud-based server footprint significantly, with no high hosting and storage costs, making it today's cost-efficient solution. 

Ede computing technology for data privacy

"Edge computing is the next step in getting to another dimension in Human AI, the Algorithm of You."

CTO at Sentiance

Sentiance data privacy policies mobile telematics

It's all about the details

Read the full policy.

Learn about our policies and how they help you gain insights into your users while respecting their privacy. It's a win-win situation.

Let's save lives

World-leading companies trust us with our road safety vision.

Now, it's your turn.

Let's build a safer future together!

Get in touch with the Sentiance team


Sentiance is the leader in motion insights. Our mission is to save lives every day and shape the future of road safety. Unlike telematics companies, we focus on the driver and not the vehicle because most accidents are caused by human error.  

With our revolutionary on-device AI technology, companies use insights from The Edge Platform to produce scalable, cost-efficient, and privacy-centric solutions for their customers.


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