Sentiance’s Motion Intelligence Technology is used to study the health effects of “Pokémon Go”

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Evaluating the activeness of participants through AI-based behavior analysis

Sentiance’s motion intelligence technology has been selected by a research project concerning the effects that “Pokémon Go” has on people’s health. This project is led by Professor Hiroaki Miyata from the Department of Health Policy and Management in Keio University School of Medicine. Sentiance works on an exclusive basis with RMC/Softbank in Japan. This successful partnership dates already from 2017.

Sentiance technology allows deep understanding of where users have stayed, their means of transportation, their driving behaviors, as well as prediction of next actions by analyzing data obtained from mobile motion sensors (i.e. accelerometer, gyroscope, location data) using AI (artificial intelligence) and ML (machine learning). Sentiance motion intelligence technology is already used in industries such as mobility, healthcare, and insurance in Europe and in the US.

With the idea that “Pokémon Go” has the potential of improving health, Keio University School of Medicine has been conducting research focusing on the behavioral patterns and health of “Pokémon Go” users. In this context, Sentiance motion intelligence technology has been chosen. The benefit of applying Sentiance technology is the ease of adoption among participants, as all they need to do is to carry around their smartphones with an app installed, instead of having to carry around a device to measure their activity level.

In this research, RMC has provided Keio University School of Medicine an app with Sentiance SDK (software development kit), as well as technical support to analyze the participants’ behavior. Furthermore, RMC will actively propose to various companies and research institutions, so that Sentiance technology can be more widely used in medical care and health care industries.

Diagram of Sentiance motion intelligence technology

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